Peacebuilding Programme in Colombia (ProPaz) Component 2

Place Category: ideaborn slPlace Tags: Peacebuilding and Good Governance

  • Country: Colombia
    Dates (start/end) : 08/2018 - 11/2020
    Overall project value (EUR): 2.710.790
    Origin of funding: GIZ
    Name of client: GIZ
    Name of consortium members:  Ambero Consulting Gesellschaft mbH, Como Consult GmbH
  • This post is also available in: ES (ES) FR (FR)

    The general objective of PROPAZ is to contribute to the legal and historical reconstruction of the armed conflict. The specific objective is to help implement the peace agreement in a participatory and efficient manner. This task is addressed through 5 components: (i) territorial peace; (ii) transitional justice and historical memory through the legal and historical reconstruction of the armed conflict; (iii) support for the search for missing persons; (iv) reparation of victims and restitution of land; and (v) capacity building for peace in post-conflict zones, the latter executed through delegated cooperation of the European Union.

    This contract involves the implementation of component 2 of PROPAZ: Transitional Justice (TJ) and Historical Memory (HM) through the legal and historical reconstruction of the armed conflict. The strategy is articulated around seven main objectives, the first of which is the strengthening of horizontal and vertical coordination in the system of organisations and bodies involved in the implementation of Peace Policies. The second is organizational development with a set of interventions aimed at strengthening organizational capacities in terms of their TJ and HM functions. A third objective of the contract is to consolidate and/or strengthen the capacities of local/regional structures for their involvement in peace processes, TJ and HM. The fourth is the operationalization of the Peace Policies relating the aspects of HM to the promotion of a culture of peace and the fifth objective is to focus on the exchange and collective learning as strategies for the development of competences between the direct beneficiaries and intermediaries of the field of action. The sixth objective is to broaden the social base of the processes to be implemented in the framework of the field of action of TJ and HM, as well as to compensate for a possible loss of relevance of Peace Policies in the future governmental agenda. Finally, and with a view to sustainability, the seventh objective of the contract with PROPAZ is to optimize the use of available resources in order to achieve lasting impacts on key aspects of the field of action.

    Type of services provided:

    • Direction of the axis of historical memory (HM) by a long-term local expert
    • Strategic planning of the Historical Clarification Commission by means of a local expert of short duration.
    • Criminal prosecution strategy for sexual offences for the Special Peace Jurisdiction (JEP) through two short-term local experts
    • Technical, conceptual and logistical backstopping of the project from Bogotá headquarters.