Study on Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Young People Involved in Organised Crime in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Region
Place Category: ideaborn sl
- Country: ColombiaDates (start/end) : 01/2023 07/2023Overall project value (EUR): 144.000Origin of funding: EUName of client: European CommissionName of consortium members: Remember Youth Fund and B&S Europe
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Ideaborn collaborated with the Team Leader to this study. The research provided a problem and stakeholder analysis and presented the existing laws, policies, strengths, and shortcomings. The study included a documentary examination, interviews and focus groups on several countries, contributing to a comparative analysis and a route map for action. The investigation went beyond the analysis of the juvenile justice system to include a holistic approach to preventing children and youth from being recruited by armed groups. It also had a stark assessment of the challenges ahead for sustainable and lasting coordination of a net of programs and actors necessary for this endeavor, from nutrition to health tackling, education, employment, and stigma prevention.
Type of services provided
- Technical, methodological, and logistical support
- Technical assistance through a Team Leader and two non-Key Experts
- Comparative analysis of seven countries
- Route Map to enhance an integral European Union approach to youth reintegration and rehabilitation by better coordination of their services on public policy, international cooperation, youth and gender.