Evaluation of IcSP actions supporting the Colombian Peace Process

  • Alcaldía-San-Carlos-9-de-abril-1
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  • Alcaldía-San-Carlos-9-de-abril-3
  • Alcaldía-San-Carlos-9-de-abril-4
  • Anori-3
  • Anoria-Antioquia-2

Place Category: ideaborn slPlace Tags: Peacebuilding and Good Governance

  • Country: Colombia
    Dates (start/end) : 12/2018
    Overall project value (EUR): 34650
    Origin of funding: Comisión Europea
    Name of client: Cardno
  • This post is also available in: ES (ES) FR (FR)

    The main objectives of this evaluation are to provide the relevant services of the European Union and stakeholders with:

    An independent overall evaluation of the past performance of the four Financing Decisions including their Actions, paying particular attention to their ‘intermediate’ and ‘final’ results measured against their objectives;
    Key lessons and recommendations for improving current and future actions.
    In particular, this evaluation will serve to assess the contribution made by the IcSP (financial and political) to EU support to the Colombian Peace Process from 2015 until now, i.e. almost two years after the signing of the final peace agreement, with the first two critical years for progress in Implementation and contribution to the sealing and protection of achievements. The evaluation period covers both the negotiation phase at its most difficult moment in time, and includes from the signing of the first Peace Agreement (26 September 2016) to the signing and ratification of the Final Agreement (24 November 2016) and its implementation.

    The evaluation will serve to measure the impact, timeliness and relevance of IcSP interventions and their results.

    Types of services provided:

    Evaluation of the IcSP by an expert Team Leader CAT I
    Technical, conceptual and logistical backstopping of the mission from Bogotá headquarters.