Evaluation of the NEXUS process in Mali and Technical Assistance for its implementation

Place Category: ideaborn slPlace Tags: Peacebuilding and Good Governance

  • Country: Mali
    Dates (start/end) : 11/2018 - 01/2020
    Overall project value (EUR): 206810
    Origin of funding: Comisión Europea
    Name of client: Delegación de la Unión Europea en Mali
    Name of consortium members: GFA Consulting Group GmbH
  • This post is also available in: ES (ES) FR (FR)

    General Objective: To assess the progress made in the Nexus Humanitarian – Development in Mali process and relaunch it on the basis of dedicated technical expertise that will accelerate the achievement of concrete results and support a strategic dialogue with relevant ministries, providing better protection for vulnerable people and better access to basic social services, as well as more sustainable management of natural resources.

    A diagnosis of the concrete progress of the Nexus process is made at the time of the launch of the technical assistance. This diagnosis covers sectoral and cross-cutting aspects, as well as the general dynamics and coordination of actors around the Nexus.

    Specific objectives:

    1. Sectoral roadmaps reflecting the convergence of short-, medium- and long-term strategies are developed in accordance with Mali’s sectoral policies and humanitarian and development programs with the participation of the various actors in the sector (donors and operators).
    2. The level of implementation of the required sectoral roadmaps is defined by geographical area and by type of actor (humanitarian, development, state social services).
    3. Sectoral action plans are developed for each identified area, reflecting its specific security, geographical and socio-economic characteristics, as well as the level of functionality of basic social services.
    4. The various existing and/or proposed sources and funding modalities are identified, and recommendations are made to better align with the objectives of the Nexus.
    5. Synergies between sector approaches in the same area are identified as relevant and do not question the effectiveness of sector approaches or their cost-effectiveness, according to state technical services.
    6. Taking into account the elements of “protection” is ensured by specific elements in each sector and the links created with specific protection programs.
    7. Simple objective indicators will be proposed to actors to judge the progress of the implementation of sectoral roadmaps and action plans.
    8. A plan for communication and dialogue between actors is developed to influence the strategies of Mali’s technical services, donors and actors in the field.
    9. Concrete recommendations are formulated to be included in the joint programming exercise (EU + EU Member States + other countries sharing this approach) of development assistance in Mali.
    10. General and sector-specific recommendations are formulated to allow for a better consideration of the nexus in the revision of national policy and strategy documents so that the Nexus is better reflected.

    Type of services provided:

    • Evaluation of the NEXUS process in Mali by an expert Team Leader CAT I
    • Technical, conceptual and logistical backstopping of the project from Barcelona headquarters.