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Support to the Commission of Refugees Serbia and the Coordination Centre for Kosovo displaced people
Place Category: ideaborn sl
- Dates (start/end) : February 2004Overall project value (EUR): 20.000Origin of funding: EuropeAid AEDName of client: ARS Progetti/ European Agency for Reconstruction
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The funds for the Project were provided by the European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR) and consisted in the deep research of the Serbian governmental agencies and their involvement with the refugees and displaced people in the Kosovo conflict.
The intervention background was the reduction of the UNHCR funds to the Collective Centres established at the outbreak of the war to shelter the Serb refugees that came to Serbia from other former Yugoslav republics. The main goal was to suggest ways to strengthen the local institutions and their ability to assist those refugees in their decision to return to home or stay in Serbia. The analysis also included ideas about how to act better in the refugees’ context and the way to make amends to their lives when they take any decision.
Type of services provided
Ideaborn contributed with one consultant, team leader, of a three-people-group. The work was carried out with deep interviews of the municipal, national and international people in charge, as well as the governmental and non-governmental employees.
The study continued with some workshops following the Project Cycle Management (PCM), where the people identified the problems, goals and needs. The outcome was a global report about: (i) the vital tasks to be adopted to easy the cessation of the refugee condition in Serbia. (ii) the tools to be used by the governmental institutions to support these initiatives.(iv) the environment to strengthen the government and its institutions in their will to face new challenges without any systematic help of international funds.
Justice and Human Rights Expert – Team leader.