“Identification mission: support for the Justice reform programme (formulation of the 10th EDF programme in Justice Sector)
Place Category: ideaborn sl
- Dates (start/end) : July-August 2008Overall project value (EUR): 38.432Origin of funding: European Commission/ SIDA/ GBName of client: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
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Due to the major issues that the Congolese justice sector is facing, the European Union, Sweden and the United Kingdom decided to carry out a joint mission aimed at the justice administration reform. For the past years, the Congolese state has been suffering from several justice problems affecting mostly vulnerable people, especially women. For instance, proper justice administration has been compromised as well as the Rule of Law. Therefore, the project specific objective was to identify, design and plan the program to support the justice sector reform at the DRC (PSJR).
Expected results were:
Formulating a joint intervention program based on the implementation simplicity principles and equality between men and women.
– Elaborating a financing proposal of an overall amount of 11 million Euros; as well as to design an action plan of the program, which included a Document of Technical Assistance (DTA ) besides others necessary documents, according to the European Commission (EC) standards.
The intervention included 3 components:
Strengthening Justice Administration (including the creation of national training institute for justice operators; judges, clerks, lawyers, etc)
Promoting Justice access
Establishing control, monitoring and evaluation proceduresType of services provided
Human Rights and Gender Expert.
ideaborn provided the Logistics/administrative support activities for the experts (Documentation research, document quality check, linguistic revision, logistic matters, etc), thanks to a legal Assistant as well as a translator assistant.