Support to SME development in Northern Africa

Place Category: ideaborn sl

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  • Dates (start/end) : May - November 2001
    Overall project value (EUR): 15.000
    Origin of funding: Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona and COPCA
    Name of client: ideaborn
    Name of consortium members: Johns Hopkins University, Universidad de Comercio internacional de BCN, Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona, COPCA, Maghreb embassies in Spain.
  • This post is also available in: ES (ES) FR (FR)

    Ideaborn coordinated the research about business opportunities and the legal framework under which the foreign investors operate in Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya and Mauritania. The investigation pointed to those vulnerable sectors able to create employment and the ones in which the SME’s have a greater comparative advantage. The selected sectors were the production and food packing, the tourism and the textile sector. The research ended in September 2001 and the conclusions were presented in Barcelona in the same year.
    The Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona, the University of international trade of Barcelona and the University Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies provided the funds to make this project possible.

    Type of services provided

    – Identification of the actors in the scene of economic development in the Maghreb area.
    – Identification of the counterparties in Europe.
    – Elaboration, printing and promotion of the preparatory research.
    – Coordination of conferences in the ideaborn´s head office located in Barcelona with European speakers and some from Maghreb.
    – Legal and Human Rights expert.
    – Team of experts.