Final evaluation of 2014/355-412 “Gender-sensitive Transitional Justice”

Place Category: ideaborn slPlace Tags: Rule of law

  • Country: Bruselas, Kosovo, Colombia, Filipinas
    Dates (start/end) : 08/2018 - 12/2018
    Overall project value (EUR): 18150
    Origin of funding: Comisión Europea
    Name of client: Cardno
  • This post is also available in: ES (ES) FR (FR)

    The evaluation will assess the performance (implementation and achievements) of 2014 / 355-412 according to the OECD/DAC evaluation criteria (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact) and additional evaluation criteria (EU added value; and 3 C’s: complementarity, coherence and coordination). In addition, this evaluation will also assess the integration of relevant cross-cutting issues (i.e. gender equality/sensitivity and conflict sensitivity).

    The specific objectives of this final evaluation are:

    • Evaluate project performance, including the type of intervention, the design and implementation of the allocation, as well as its results;
    • Assess whether and to what extent the project has contributed to strengthening the capacities of implementing partners to participate in transitional justice at the international, regional or local level;
    • Assess the relevance of the project in this context and sector of intervention, and in comparison with other transitional justice initiatives;
    • Undertake an assessment of the visibility, information and communication of the project;
    • Identify and document good practices and key lessons learned on incorporating gender sensitivity into transitional justice processes;
    • To produce a set of recommendations to help the EU design and implement future actions in the area of transitional justice, apply gender-sensitive approaches to a specific thematic area and manage multi-country projects.
    • To assess the extent to which the project contributed to strengthening EU-UN relations in the field of transitional justice.

    Type of services provided:

    • Final evaluation of the project by an expert Team Leader CAT I
    • Technical, conceptual and logistical backstopping of the mission from Barcelona headquarters.