Identification and Formulation of APSA IV

Place Category: ideaborn slPlace Tags: Peacebuilding and Good Governance

  • Country: OUA Africa Union
    Dates (start/end) : 02/2019 - 07/2019
    Overall project value (EUR): 247039
    Origin of funding: Comisión Europea
    Name of client: Delegación de la Unión Europea en la OUA
    Name of consortium members: GFA Consulting Group
  • This post is also available in: ES (ES) FR (FR)

    General Objective: To contribute to the identification and formulation of APSA IV.

    Specific objectives:

    1: To identify the achievements of APSA III, taking into account the key recommendations of MTR, external evaluations of APF and the report of the Court of Auditors, audits and Steering Committee meetings.

    2: Redefine, refocus key programme priorities and build an intervention logic with its logical framework avoiding duplication of tasks at different levels and ensuring that African Union policies and guidance are implemented at the regional level subgroup.

    3: Organize a workshop to agree and validate priorities and intervention logic, as well as present preliminary implementation modalities.

    4: Formulate key products and activities (after having identified key results in the identification phase) and propose effective programme implementation modalities based on workshop inputs.

    The assignment will have three phases: start / desk, the identification / field phase and the workshop / formulation phase.

    Type of services provided:

    Identification and formulation of a new APSA IV programme by means of a CAT I expert.
    Technical, conceptual and logistical backstopping of the project from offices in Bogota and Barcelona.