Strengthening and modernization of Panama’s Judicial Organ.

Place Category: ideaborn slPlace Tags: Justice and Rule of law

  • Dates (start/end) : November- December 2008
    Overall project value (EUR): 14.835
    Origin of funding: European Commission
    Name of client: ARS Progetti / European Commission
  • This post is also available in: ES (ES) FR (FR)

    Technical assistance to the program of the European Commission in Panama whose objective is to “support the modernization and strengthening of the system of justice of the Republic of Panama, improving the quality, efficiency and transparency of the services in people’s benefit.
    The midterm evaluation aims to offer to the people in charge of making decisions whether being from the Government or from the External Cooperation of the European Commission, enough information to:
    • Set up an independent evaluation of the implementation and achievements of the project, paying particular attention to the impact of the activities and / or barriers affecting the success of the project.
    • To extract key teaching allowing us to propose recommendations for the following actions and if needed to readjust and/or to redirect the activities of the project.
    The mission will evaluate the achievements of the project, in relation with those planned in the financial agreement, in the POG (General Operative Plan) and in the respective POA, (Annual Operative Plan) applying criteria of relevancy, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability.

    Type of services provided

    The evaluation is composed of 3 phases: i) cabinet (revision of the relevant documents of the project, as well as of those that define the strategic framework); ii) field work (in the City of Panama, in the headquarters of the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama, in which interviews will be carried out with relevant stakeholders) stage; iii) synthesis (revision of the whole material and elaboration of the final evaluation report that should include recommendations for the following actions and to readjust and/or to reorient the activities of the project).

    Team leader – Expert in judicial sector evaluation.
    Apart from that ideaborn will help consultants doing research, analysis, translation etc.