Mid-term Evaluation: Integrated Action to support vulnerable population in USME (Bogotá) and in some of the poorest and violent neighbourhoods of Medellin (“comuna”/slum 8 ,13)

Place Category: ideaborn slPlace Tags: Peacebuilding and Good Governance, Synergies between sectors, and Transition from post-conflict to democracy

  • Dates (start/end) : April-June 2008
    Overall project value (EUR): 6.800
    Origin of funding: EuropeAid / Universidad del Rosario
    Name of client: CISP/ European Commission to Colombia and Ecuador
  • This post is also available in: ES (ES) FR (FR)

    The project to evaluate aims at reducing the problems faced by displaced people due to internal conflicts. To that end one of the cornerstones of this initiative is to build up and/or rebuild the social network of displaced communities within their new urban environment. Another milestone is to push for the socioeconomic reorganization and recovery of the people displaced without neither affecting nor discriminating those exiting vulnerable people in the receiving communities. Last but not least it aims at supporting those Non State Actors that support the vulnerable regardless of whether they are displaced or not.

    A midterm evaluation cannot really evaluate the final impact of the activities, yet it can help identifying the major problems that the implementation of the planned activities faces and the evolution of the external factors affecting them. That is therefore the goal of this contract.

    Type of services provided

    The evaluation has been developed through:
    – Comprehensive Desk Review;
    – Multiple meetings/Interviews with relevant actors;
    – Various participative workshops in different selected places of the country with direct and indirect beneficiaries.
    It will assess the strengths and weaknesses of the project design and current implementation in terms of efficacy, impact and sustainability. It will, whenever possible, evaluate the likely results compared with specific and general objectives. Likewise it will also propose recommendations about the possible improvements of management procedures (if any) for the next phase of the project.
    Team leader – Project evaluation expert (social and community area)
    Economist – Social economic impact evaluation
    Moreover, ideaborn provided:
    – Junior Assistants (support during workshops, data systematization, etc.).
    – Logistics/administrative support activities (Documentation research, document quality control, linguistic revision, logistic organization, etc).